82 minutes / Audience Score 5960 vote / country USA / Release Year 2020 /
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☼➙ ↟✦★♲✵✹♢∞♢♣♤♣❉⇧⌘✵✵
I had seen some of the footage of the husband's interrogation so I knew a bit about the case but watched so I could learn more about the victims. I am glad there was a focus on Shanan and her beautiful children.
A few facts about domestic violence in the USA are shared. I just wish they had been interspersed throughout the documentary and more information shared.
I watched the whole documentary, start to finish, and I still couldn't you why he did what he did. He never actually admits to killing the kids. I mean if I watched the documentary I should know but this is 90 mins of the victim texting her friends and not really about the crime.